Zackary Fotheringham

Software Engineer

I develop web-based products and experiences that prioritize accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring everyone can engage and thrive in our online world.


I began my programming journey by creating scripts for games using Lua . It felt like uncovering a whole new world of possibilities. As my interests grew, I found myself naturally gravitating towards web development, where I have the opportunity to unleash my creativity and build incredible experiences for people across the world.

Right now, my main goal is to always learn more and have fun playing around with all the cool new tech that comes out frequently. I love discovering new things, and the field of web development is the gift that keeps on giving.

When I'm not at the computer, I enjoy hanging out with my family, playing with two my dogs, or trying to improve my terrible chess skills.



Toshi is an online marketplace that offers a diverse selection of products to suit various preferences, interests, and needs. It provides user-friendly features such as quick ordering, the option to save items for later, and customer reviews, ensuring a pleasant shopping experience.

Web scraper

This project is a powerful web scraping tool designed to gather product details and user reviews from It effectively utilizes Puppeteer to bypass bot detection measures. It was originally created for my ecommerce project, Toshi.

Close Circle

Close Circle is a social media platform that allows users to effortlessly connect, share updates, and engage with their close friends and family. Its liking, sharing, and following features enhance the experience, making it easy to stay connected and interact with loved ones.